How Rare Is That Job?

An Unofficial, Opinionated Look At Class/Job Rarity For FFXIV Roleplayers

By Mis'to Raesthe
Odin Server, Light Datacenter

Last Updated: 26th June 2024
Current Progress: Viper = 89, Pictomsancer = 80

It's always been a priority of mine to make sure my characters fit well within a world. When I first came to Final Fantasy XIV, I couldn't find many great up to date resources talking about where the Jobs and Classes of the world fit, or how common they might be.So, encouraged by my friends, I set about getting all the information I could on everything anyone would ever want to know about Jobs and how the denizens
of the world see them.
This is that guide. It wouldn't be anything without this amazing community.

Before You Begin,
A Disclaimer

This document is full of dangerous things called opinions. As such, you may not agree, and that's okay!This discussion on Job rarity is to help people flesh out their characters in order to let them blend seamlessly and enjoyably into the world. It shouldn’t be something that gets policed by other roleplayers. Some jobs are naturally under higher scrutiny than others because of the past. Others are linked to secretive organizations that hoard that knowledge and refuse to share lightly.And yet many adventurers stand ready to come to the side of the Warrior of Light in their time of need; and they wield the whole spectrum of Jobs with them. The world may have wanted to say ‘no’ to certain disciplines before the Seventh Umbral Calamity - in the face of a cruel, uncaring world and numerable implacable foes, they may have to let bygones be bygones.So take this guide as it is - a look at in-game lore to help expand on your character and how they might interact with the world.Regarding spoilers, there is only so much I can talk about on Jobs without spoiling certain aspects. Rest assured, I won’t spoil any specifics on MSQ or Job stories, but there are things that I have to mention due to their connection to job rarity, or the Job NPCs' current recruitment plans, Soul Crystal shenanigans, Endwalker geographies, and so on.Thus, read at your own peril.NEW: A special note to the Encyclopedia Eorzea (EE) - alas, I do not have any, as many players don't. I think it's important to recognize that this information is not easily accessible as they're hard to get hold of. Lore is lore though, so I as I get information I will make the pertinent notes on classes from it; but I would personally not be as much of a stickler to EE lore as what can be found in game. However, the more tools for players, the better!

All good? Time to

Get Started!


What do you want to find out?

Why I list by
tier and how
I feel this helps

Soul Crystals,
illegal magicks,
classes and

A list of the jobs
ranked by 'tier' -
how rare they
are in the world,
and why.

Thoughts on the
state of the world
post Endwalker, and
what that means for
certain Jobs.

Know what job
you want more
details on already?
Jump straight
to them here!

My final thoughts on
how you should
treat this RP guide
and any others
like it.

Crediting all
those people who
helped create
and inspire this

A collection of
all the resources
that helped
me on this

Spot something
wrong? Found
some tasty new
job lore?
Let me know!

Jobs By Tier

The very first blog I read on this separated out the classes by a ranked tier to show how rare or difficult it was to 'be' that job.
I found this very helpful and as such, still rank them like this today.
What do the tiers mean?
Read more on that that here.

Tier 1:
Commonplace, Easily Accessed.

These jobs/classes require no special background or circumstance to take. It's as easy as walking into a city and signing up to a Guild, or involves very common pathways to adventuring such as the Grand Companies or the 'school of hard knocks'.

The Classes



Tier 2:
Some Work Required, but Very Accessible.

These roles are easy to get but require some level of skill or connections on your character before you can get recruited. In gameplay mechanics, these are jobs that need a bit of levelling/experience before you get access to it, but the actual job or role itself isn’t hard to get if you’ve got that skill.

Class +



Blue Mage

Tier 3:
Needs Connections or High Skill, but Actively Recruited

The level at which you want to start doing your homework.Tier 3 is the point at which your character needs a level of skill or talent. It's where Jobs really start showing up, and just as in game, your character needs a certain amount of experience to get them.It's also where you need to start taking into account Soul Crystals. How you obtain them will be important because of their limited nature. Do you know where you could find them 'in the wild' (Gyr Abania for Red Mage, for example) or do you have connections to the organizations and characters that have access to them?Originally rare or culturally limited, these Jobs are ones that are now actively being recruited by the Grand Companies (WAR, SCH, BRD), their patron cities (PLD), or the characters leading their organization (RDM, DNC). Or, their disciplines were already culturally important to a large population of people that now happily expands out to others (GNB).



Red Mage





Tier 4:
Rare, but not Restricted

At this level, Jobs start to be found only in certain traditions, cultures and civilizations, and they're not as open to recruitment. To feel more realistic, you may want to take their circumstances into account for your background.Although they might not be common across Eorzea, these Jobs are still recruiting or otherwise aren't hostile to others learning from them. They're just not actively recruiting (DRK), it's much harder to find a mentor/organization (SAM/MNK), or there's a distinct danger to mastering the art (SMN).




Dark Knight

Tier 5:
Restricted or Secretive

These Jobs are both rare and - more importantly - their teaching is heavily restricted to individuals who are part of/accepted by the culture they come from, are small in number, and even then may require such dedication to the concept that only certain people have the aptitude to follow them.In some cases, people might be willing to go to extreme lengths to keep the existence of these jobs secret...





Tier 6:
Outlawed, Illegal, One of a Kind

These jobs are actively outlawed and illegal due to their involvement in such events as the Sixth Umbral Calamity (BLM, WHM), or the stigma that comes with allying with Voidsent (RPR). If your character's abilities looks like that which has been outlawed even if it's not, authorities are going to take note.Alternatively, they’re a one of a kind role like the Azure Dragoon, and someone else is already it.If you're in this category but are leery of the severity of the restrictions, still take a look at these jobs as I've also got discussions on how to make it feel plausible without making your character a pariah.You may wish to read up on my discourse on Illegal Magicks to understand why the perception of illegal magic may differ from actuality.

White Mage

Black Mage

Azure Dragoon


Why Tiers?

So why have I listed jobs by tiers?
Do they mean that you can only play certain jobs? Should you not play jobs in rare and restricted tiers, or ones that don't make sense for your race and homeland?
Absolutely not.

Tiers are a guide to how much effort
you'll need to put in to make
a background plausible with
lore as we understand it.

The lower the tier, the less legwork you need.If you simply became a gladiator in Ul'dah, grew up on the streets as a thief, became a conjurer - that's nearly all the work you need to do. Add race and hometown, and you're practically done.As you go up tiers, there are more and more things you need to account for. Things like:Where did you study conjury if not Gridania?
How did you get your hands on your Soul Crystal of choice?
Why did they leave their birthplace to study the arts of a distant land?
How does your character know restricted Sharlayan arts despite not being from there?
How does your character evade the authorities if they are capable of casting what appear to be illegal magicks?
Why does your character manifest powers similar to the Azure Dragoon?
Answering these questions is key to making your character more plausible in the world they live, and thus more believable to others.See them as aides to enriching your story,
rather than restrictions preventing you from ever playing them.

Let me tell you a story to explain further.I love reading world setting books. One day, I was going through a book for first edition Legend of the Five Rings, an Eastern setting that's very roleplay heavy. It places a huge emphasis on what it means to be a character in that world and goes a lot into how to make characters feel real.Reading this book, I came across a specific background trait that had several paragraphs explaining why you could only take this background in the right circumstances. That trait was Multiple Schools - the idea that you'd leave the teachings of your birth family and study those of another, or even a rival Clan.The blurb went into huge detail about how unlikely this was. You had to convince your teacher that although you were a novice they had nothing more to teach you right now (thus insulting them); your daimyo that you were changing allegiances for good purposes (highly suspicious, even execution worthy), your new daimyo that you weren't secretly plotting against them (absolutely damn suspicious and also execution worthy).Right at the end, the author said 'So you better have a good reason to take this, like this guy Doji Kurwanan does.'Awesome, I thought. Let's go read up on this guy and see why he legit has this immensely restricted trait. Did it require supporting stats? Particular abilities? What amazing thing allowed that guy to take this rare and special trait?I got to the page."His father wanted an alliance with the Lion clan, so he send him his second son to study under them."That was it.That was the special thing.
A mere sentence of background to make this most implausible of traits believable.
That's all you need too.

So have a Job.Be an Astrologian!Make a Black Mage!Use this as the guide you need to make that fit within the
lore we have as best as possible.
And if it strays from lore anyway, but you and your circle of friends love playing with whatever you've come up with together, then that's all you need.

Now go and have fun!

List of Jobs

Here you can click on the specific job you're most interested in to get straight to it!

Classes and DOH/DOL

The Classes


DoH and DoL

The Tank Jobs

Dark Knight




The Healer Jobs




White Mage

The DPS Jobs


Black Mage

Blue Mage







Red Mage



Useful Information

This section covers other areas of interest that are useful to know when roleplaying a particular job or skillset.Click to navigate to the section you want.

Soul Crystals

Everything you needed to know about
soul crystals

Soul Crystals are stones in which the memories of those who study and practice the discipline of a job are stored. These Crystals are passed onto the next wielder who, by attuning with the mindset and morality of those who came before, can learn the ways of that Job. They are worn in contact with the skin, so as to best impart their knowledge. Learning by Soul Crystal is far far faster than learning even from a master, as they impart memory and reflex to those who can use them.The Soul Crystal then acts as a kind of tradition, storing the knowledge and stories of those who once owned them. As a person grows in their experience, the Soul Crystal reveals more and more complex techniques to them. In turn, as they master and even surpass the power of those original students, the collective knowledge of the Soul Crystal grows. And - as anyone who’s done the Dark Knight or Paladin storylines knows - these old, memory-riddled Soul Crystals can have their own mysteries to them.As for rarity, we don’t have much insight from the game with that. We’ve seen Jobs that are so new that the Soul Crystals are effectively blank and you’re the one inscribing the first memories for future learners (MCH); but also lost traditions unearthed after hundreds, even thousands of years (SMN, SCH, BLM, RDM, WHM). There’s times where we see Jobs and have no clue as to if a Soul Crystal is always required to know the art (SAM; the Sekiseigumi especially) and others where you can't be the class without it (BLM, SCH). We see Jobs that are rare because they're outlawed, but their associated Soul Crystals are actually not (BLM, WHM). Lastly, we see Soul Crystals that are guarded and dished out by a specific person or organization (BRD, PLD, SGE, AST).That's a lot of variability to take into account when looking at
the potential rarity of a Soul Crystal.
As such, I think it’s fair to assume that the rarity of the Job isn’t dependent on the rarity/availability of the Soul Crystal. If you really want to be a particular Job, getting the Soul Crystal won’t be hard. It’s also entirely possible that your character could create a blank Soul Crystal and start creating their own Job by building on their class.

Do I Need a Soul Crystal For A Job?

Because a video game needs mechanics, the game presents Soul Crystals as being necessary for a Job. It also presents the idea that Jobs are discrete and there’s no overlap (more on this here). But that’s not strictly true.Soul Crystals are effectively encyclopedias of knowledge. They contain the memories and knowledge of those who wielded it before them, to be passed onto the next student. If said student matches the conviction and intent of those who came before, the Soul Crystal imparts its knowledge to them. Theoretically though, this doesn’t block you from learning abilities from those Jobs without a Crystal, but it will certainly make it very more difficult (in the case of NIN, explicitly impossible and for BLM, fatal!). Think of it as, well, learning Kung Fu through years of hard training, versus plugging yourself into the Matrix.So in essence - no, a Soul Crystal isn’t necessary to have the power level of a Job. Your character can learn their own techniques without the need for one, but having one greatly speeds it up. If you’re developing your own art, then like the myriads of martial artists we see in the real world, it will take practice and time. It’s a life’s work of refinement, and should be treated as such.If you’re looking at something with the complexity of a Job but you’re not learning it from a Soul Crystal, consider these things to flesh out your character:

  • Would a Soul Crystal be required i.e does it do something other than pass knowledge, like the BLM or SCH stones do?

  • How complex are your techniques? Did they take intense practice and time to learn? Are they like NIN, where the knowledge must be so precise the specific memory of casting them is necessary?

  • Do you want to pass your knowledge onto another some day?

How Hard is it to Learn
from a Soul Crystal?

I don't normally do direct quotes, but this one from the Eorzean Encyclopedia sums it up nicely. A Soul Crystal is not a guaranteed quick path to power - your character will still need to put in time and effort to get there. If they're not prepared to, then a Soul Crystal won't be sharing its secrets with them."The wisdom contained in a soul crystal, however, is not so easily drawn forth - an untrained neophyte cannot simply pick up one of these gems and expect his mind to be flooded with the knowledge of advanced spellcraft and combat techniques. Without first attaining sufficient proficiency and tempering one’s soul to mirror the maturity of the crystal’s contributors, a prospective student will be denied even the slightest glimpse of enlightenment. Thus, as is the case with the more contemporary disciplines, the key to mastering the secrets of a soul crystal lies in diligent study and training.”Lastly, it's worth noting that if you do not vibe with the morality and intention of the creator, you cannot learn from their Soul Crystal. We haven't yet seen the plot of 'the creator of this Crystal was so evil no one can glean anything from it' in the MSQ but it's absolutely a possibility.

Other Important Facts about
Soul Crystals

If you intend to have learned your Job through a Soul Crystal, there are important facts you should know:As a rule, no one has the aether, fortitude or mental resonance (more on that later) to attune to more than one Soul Crystal at a time; and your average Joe will only have the apititude to learn one Job. Adventurers, though, are more skilled than your average Joe and so might be able to handle two or even three crystals. Too many might run into uh huh sure territory. See the Multiple Crystals section below for more details on this topic.In order to use a Soul Crystal, your own desires and goals must fall very close in line with the original creator. If the original creator of the stone was of a highly heroic bent who believed in the best defense is offense, and your character is very timid and prefers to run and hide, that Soul Crystal is not going to resonate with you.This factors into the Soul Crystal limit. It is going to be very unlikely that even if you find all existing Job stones, you resonate with each and every one of the values of the original creators. (There is one person who can but well, we already know why they're extraordinary).Soul Crystals should be worn in contact with the skin, so best to impart their memories and techniques.Some Crystals are critically important to their job. For example:
BLM is one of the most severe, as its soul crystal protects the caster from accidentally immolating their own insides. If you’re a THM trying to cast the real deal black magic without one, you are going to kill yourself.
SMN’s acts as a catalyst for channelling the Egi.SCH’s acts as the house for their fairy.NIN describes certain techniques as being very difficult if you can’t get the precise knowledge from the Soul Crystal. Do you want to summon the Bun of Shame? This is how you summon the Bun of Shame.I do not believe we have any information as to whether the soul crystal is required to use a technique it imparts i.e. if it’s imparted an ability to you can you perform it without the Soul Crystal? Or do you still need it? We don't know.

Multiple Soul Crystals

This is mostly headcanon, with some lore discussion.Going off gameplay mechanics and what we know of attuning to Soul Crystals, there are two things we know:

  • Attuning to more than one Soul Crystal is very difficult, if not impossible. This is because different soul crystals adhere to different personalities and desires; and most people also only have so much aether.

  • Jobs are discrete. Save a few role abilities, they don’t overlap.

This first part I feel is the most noteworthy for RP. A character that’s boasting 4 or more Soul Crystals is risking getting into what I call ‘uh huh sure’ territory. However, I think one Soul Crystal is a bit too restrictive, because if there’s one thing that adventurers are good at, it’s adapting and being extraordinary.In my opinion, if your character has multiple Soul Crystals it feels more plausible if their strengths or areas of study have a natural crossover. Consider these potential ideas for multiclassing:

  • A Doman woman who has both Ninja and Dancer, using the latter as part of her geisha persona.

  • A highly trained Arcanist puts effort into understanding the different expressions of aether between Summoner and Scholar, and has studied the Soul Crystals of both.

  • A seasoned gladiator sees new heavy armor traditions come to Ul’dah’s arena, and sets out to study the different weapon disciplines seen in Dark Knight, Gunbreaker and Warrior.

  • A self-taught Black Mage seeks to learn conjury to better hide who they are, and in doing so stumbles across the history of the school of Red Magic.

This leads nicely into the discussion on hybridization; combining aspects of Jobs where it makes sense to do so. For more on that, go here.Lastly, remember that Soul Crystals aren't instant paths to power and require intense study and focus to divulge their secrets. That alone will prevent many from learning more than one or two disciplines. And, of course, study doesn't mean you're learning that discipline to use it. Your character may just have an interest in it, and nothing more than that.

There! Everything you needed to know about soul crystals!

Illegal Magicks & You

Or, Why it's not just Black or White Magic
that's the problem

There is a wider discussion to be had about illegal magicks and what the average citizen of Eorzea knows. After all, 99% of people in the world of FFXIV today have forgotten that the Black and White traditions ever existed.But the causes of the Sixth Umbral Calamity are very well known, and people guard against them for good reason. Straight after the Calamity, suspicion meant that all magic was outlawed - after all, despite all their efforts to keep their talents hidden and do good, the fate of the fledgling school of Red Magic was still to be cast down and lost to time.Anyone using what someone could reasonably interpret as ‘those magicks that caused the Sixth Umbral Calamity’ is going to attract attention and hostility, and certainly investigators. As we see in the Black Mage storyline, Gridania’s government is not above sending people out to determine what such a magic wielder is doing and why. Assume if you’re acting in Eorzea, they’ll come looking.So realize it’s not just ‘black and white magic’ that could come under scrutiny. Anything that could be interpreted as ‘the wielder is casting magic with such power that it might be getting its strength by draining the land of aether’ is also going to be challenged until those in charge are satisfied that it’s not.If you're going to make a character that is exceedingly powerful in magic and is open with it, be that as a black or white mage or a tradition all of their own, the common people will fear them.That's not a crutch. It's a roleplay hook and should be used as such!Lastly, this may not be the case in other nations. Eorzea was the most keenly affected by the Sixth Calamity; I don't believe we know, say, Hingashi's opinion of such magicks.

Hybridizing Jobs

In game, you can’t be a Gladiator wielding a double-bladed axe, an archer that can Hide, or a Red Mage that casts stronger healing magic. That's the gameplay mechanic we have - your job is intrinsically tied to your weapon; and your Jobs are all distinct from each other.From a roleplay perspective however, I don’t see why not. If, for example, your character is specializing in two or more Soul Crystals, then there are going to be times when skills from one job might naturally flow to another.Or, maybe your character only has one Soul Crystal but has some techniques and tricks up their sleeve that, in game mechanics, you would use another class for. It’s quite easy to glamour one class to resemble another, after all.As long as you’re careful with it, and use it as flavour rather than ‘you betcha I can chain Flare with Afflatus Misery!’, I don’t think most players are going to blink an eye.Again, try these ideas for inspiration:

  • A Red Mage branches out to other caster classes to incorporate water and ice magics into their spell repertoire.

  • A Samurai seeking to expand their mastery of melee trains in the nodachi to learn defensive techniques similar to a Dark Knight; or a naginata to learn spear techniques similar to a Dragoon.

  • To help perfect their connection to the elements and the aether of the world, a conjurer learns something of a Monk’s martial arts and physical meditations.

  • A Ninja learns how to project and focus their mudra in such a way that, if they prioritize that over their melee skills, it more resembles powerful thaumaturgy.

Lastly - remember that you don’t have to have multiple Soul Crystals to do this. Or even any! It doesn't have to be a goal for your character's development.I’m going to throw my own character in as an example here. Mis’to has never seen a Samurai Soul Crystal. He learned the physical sword arts directly from a mentor in Hingashi over a number of years. Before that, he was a Conjurer for 17 years, and thus knew spellcasting and how to use aether offensively, including into his physical attacks.That history combined well together when he did get a Soul Crystal for Red Mage, his prior knowledge of aether and bladework combining into a single discipline that he took naturally to as a result. If the game let me, he wouldn't be using a rapier; he'd use a chokuto; the straight sword precursor of the katana he learned to fight with first; and I am always seeking out weapons for glamour that emphasize a single edge shape.So, y'know, look for those natural crossovers. They might help flesh out your chaarcter.

Sources & Credits

This guide wouldn't exist without the community and the kindness of its creators.Here's a list of all the sources I used to create this guide be they people or physical; as well as thanks to those who encouraged me to make this guild as good as it could be.

Silver Valkyrie Events

This guide would never have been written if I hadn't stumbled across this community. Their support, encouragement and feedback helped create and refine the original document.

Otter's Original Blog

The original blog that inspired me to go ahead and create an updated version for the community.


One of the definitive faces of lore for FFXIV, Annoymoose's kindness and patience for any questions I asked have been greatly appreciated.

Mirke's Menagerie

In my opinion, Sounsyy's blog is the best source of information for in game text and how it applies to desired topics. An absolutely invaluable resource for any topic on FFXIV.

Lenneth Andrew, Balmung

The creator of the So You Wanna Start Roleplaying in FFXIV document, Lenneth was kind enough to add extensive commentary to the original document, providing great new insight for me on topics.

Encyclopedia Eorzea

A disclaimer - I alas, do not have these books myself. Information from them therefore has come to me second hand. It is, however, a very valuable resource for obvious reasons!

Resources for

Looking for other sources to learn more about FFXIV Roleplay?Look no further!

Mirke's Menagerie is an invaluable resource for learning about the world of FFXIV.So You Wanna Start Roleplaying in FFXIV is a great primer for RP whatever your data center!

Help Me Make This Site Even Better

Did you spot something I missed?Found some insight in a side quest I might not have seen?Got an RP resource I don't mention that I should?Please head over to the original document here, where you can comment on the place you think I can expand on.Be certain to leave your name or other information so I can credit you and I'll be sure to update!

You can also just

especially if you find something wrong with the site, like a broken link.

My Thoughts on RP

Despite all the information in this document, there is one other thing that we know from playing the game.The Warrior of Light does not fight alone.Canonically, they call upon and fight alongside other highly skilled adventurers at multiple points. It’s even outright stated by Squeenix that the reason the WoL is able to finally beat the final boss of Stormblood is because this time, they bring friends.We also know that Eorzea’s struggle against the Primals (among others) is never over, and the Warrior of Light can’t always be there to help them. If you’ve gotten all the way to 6.3 by now, we’ve seen the Warrior of Light trust potentially deadly situations to their friends to handle, while they run for the big bad guy.Friends matter.With that in mind, adventurers must have access to all the same jobs that the WoL does. This makes sense to me. The Warrior of Light is busy breaking boundaries, bringing lost knowledge to light and showing that these dangerous magics are, in the right hands and with the right oversight, powerful tools for good. I think it’s purposeful that at the end of Shadowbringers we see many of the faces of these Jobs decide to start training the next generation, see people once reluctant to share knowledge commit to doing just that or simply deciding to travel the world to do good with the skills they have.In an age of war and Primals - after averting the literal apocalypse - the world has progressed, and what was feared or mystified has now become the familiar; even celebrated.I’ve also been roleplaying in MMO’s for more than 20 years now. I’ve seen a pretty fair gamut of characters, from the compellingly believable to the cringiest levels of ‘uh huh sure’. At the end of the day, I reckon that these three points are the most important:

  • You are having fun with your character.

  • Other people are having fun with your character.

  • You don’t spoil the enjoyment of other people.

I’ve mentioned ‘uh huh sure’ a few times in this document now, and I’m pretty sure you know the kind of character that I’m talking about. It’s ‘I’m the secret lovechild of two major NPC characters’, the ‘I’m a master of both Black and White magic that not even the Seedseers dare raise a hand against’, the ‘actually, I am a 700 year old polymorphed dragon’. It’s the character that is such a master of their skill that they can never, ever, ever lose a fight and it’s in such a way that other people just don’t want to engage.Most terrible characters aren’t terrible concepts, they’re ones done without nuance or tact, or not knowing when to step back and let another take the limelight. Done right, with the proper tact and skill to make sure that it doesn’t overshadow other folk’s concepts, anything’s possible.What I’ve gone covered on this site is what lore we know based on the game itself and the storylines that we can extrapolate from. I also believe that roleplay should, above all else, be fun. Lore helps you make something that’s realistic and that fits in the world, making it an overall satisfactory experience for you and the folks you encounter. But if you come up with a concept that you and others deeply enjoy playing together, then who are we to complain if it’s not perfectly lore friendly?

The Classes

The Basic DoW and DoM Classes

The simple Classes are exceedingly commonplace in society. They have guilds actively recruiting for them, or use straightforward forms of combat reasonably found in military units, criminal gangs, religious/spiritual movements and the like.Anyone with the inclination to pick these up could easily do so.

These are "Tier 1" in rarity.
Commonplace, Easily Accessed.

With the exception of Conjury, there is not much notable about the classes.
The Rogue has it's own page as there are special considerations.


The basic healing class has a great deal of discussion to be had around it.The Gridania conjurer is the one we know most of in lore, bound by the will of the elementals. It’s important to know conjury is not white magic. White magic (as discussed later) either draws aether from the land - an act that is dangerous and sucks the life out of the world - or it can suck it out of the wielder, which can easily kill them. This magic was invented by the Amdapori, and although some of it survives in conjury, conjury is not white magic.To counter the problem of aether, folk from Gelmorra (the underground city of the Duskwight) attempted to commune with the hostile elementals of the Twelveswood, becoming the first Hearers. That union led to conjury; a way to non-destructively draw upon the powers of nature. Effectively, they entered a pact with the elementals of the Twelveswood. They may draw aether from the Twelveswood in return for defending it and abiding by the guidance of the elementals. As long as a Conjurer doesn't put stress on the Twelveswood, they're permitted to practice.However, we do see evidence of other conjurer traditions too. As the Conjurer storyline shows, it’s possible to simply heal another using one’s own devastating effect upon the caster. The Weaver storyline, for example, follows an Ishgardian conjurer, and from what we know they have no connection to elementals. Likely they have their own tradition that similarly avoids the dangers of white magic, but we don’t have insight into that. The Eastern continents also have their own take on conjury, and you'll see that if you follow the Physical Ranged quests in Endwalker. We've also seen it in the Xaela of the Azim Steppes.As such, I don’t think you have to be bound to Gridania’s take in order to roleplay one - but as any mage, you will face scrutiny if your powers draw on too much aether.


Notable is that Arcanist is considered quite taxing as a profession, needing a lot of devotion and study. It uses geometrical patterns and equations to cast magic. The roots of the Arcanist tradition stem from esoteric calculations practiced in an effort to mathematically comprehend the nature of aether; this expression also allows them to summon the Carbuncle.The 'independence' of said Carbuncle is probably best left to the roleplay desires of the player.


Like Lancer, the Archer storyline gives a little insight as to the politics of Gridania; especially regarding Miqo’te Keepers of the Moon and Wildwood Elezen. Otherwise, archer traditions are likely found in any major city state. Miqo'te, in particular, are notable for favouring the shortbow in combat.


The Gladiator is a sword-and-shield tradition, and is very closely associated with the gladiatorial arena of Ul'dah. There's some rich story opportunity here for people who are known gladiators, or who were sold to the arenas just like Pipin.


Wielding a spear is straightforward and likely has traditions that go beyond just Gridania; certainly Ishgard is the source of another lancer tradition. The Lancer story is notable for looking at Gridania politics, especially regarding Duskwight Elezen.


A time-honored tradition in Limsa Lominsa, strongly associated with the Yellow Jackets. It was a staple in ship-to-ship combat - you can see how an axe might be more useful at sea - and uses techniques that seek to maximize the weapon's destructive capabilities.


Based in Ul'dah, pugilists are devoted to mastery of unarmed combat, mostly with fists. The founder of the tradition was a woman called Cordelia, who studied multiple styles before blending them into the triple-form we know today.


As noted during their storyline, someone who is looking to become a Thaumaturge needs to have significant reserves of aether to draw on. Otherwise, it can kill them. Or lead to foolish things like pacts with voidsent...As such, a character that wants to be a Thaumaturge will need considerable aetherical reserves; not something everyone has.It's also notable that Ul'dah's thaumaturgy is effectively the funeral service for the city; being the ossuary of Nald'thal, after all.We have also seen thaumaturgy out in the Xaela clans of the Azim Steppes.

Disciples of the Hand/Land

The Crafter and Gatherer Jobs

These are "Tier 1" in rarity.
Commonplace, Easily Accessed.

Even in Eorzea, people have to work.Gathering plants and resources from the land, finding food to feed their families and the populace of the cities, or crafting articles both mundane and luxury, civilization needs people who work the land and create goods for sale.Anyone with the aptitude could join these Guilds; dangerous work as it may be for those who must venture outside the safety of the walls...

A fun, non-spoilery note for Endwalker; if you're a crafter/gatherer with Sharlayan ties - a gleaner - some interesting places could be on the cards...

Custom Stuff

Anything that should exist
that doesn't

There are a fair few traditions and styles that would naturally evolve amongst people that we don't see as actual classes in the game; regular jobs for regular folk.

These are "Tier 1" in rarity.
Commonplace, Easily Accessed.

A few examples of these are:

  • The "School of Hard Knocks"; the kid that grows up on the streets and learns self-taught methods of defense.

  • Certain military jobs such as sailors, buccaneers, chocobo cavalry, combat medics - specalist roles we see but aren't the specific take on the class from job stories.

  • There are more crafting and gathering types than just what we see offered, such as farmers, ranchers, potters and more.

  • Lastly, consider certain professions and classes such as teachers, entrepreneurs, nobility, librarians, lawyers, accountants and so many more.

For a take where someone uses the original classes for inspiration to improve upon the existing basic traditions, check out Class +!

Class +

The Trailblazers

Prior to Endwalker, Alphinaud is an Academician. He’s effectively an Arcanist, but he’s got his own spin and skill on that with his unique Carbuncles and Scholar-like skills. Y’shtola is a Sorceress, and she wields magic that’s on par (if not simply a renamed) Black Mage, but without any discussion on sucking the aether out of the land. Thancred starts off as a Rogue but he’s also a Sharlayan scholar who earned his Archon tattoo through the study of subterfuge, and he's peerless at it.We don’t know if the above three Scions have specific Soul Crystals for what they do, so this is pure speculation. However, it’s a good foundation for looking at people who want to bridge the gap between ‘class’ and ‘job’ - to be a bit more than just the basic job without running into the rarity problem. It’s someone whose Job is self-taught, and not learned through someone else’s Soul Crystal; or someone who blends knowledge from several Jobs/Classes into their own blend.

This is "Tier 2" in rarity.
Some Work Required, but Very Accessible.

Talented, driven people may want to push their classes farther than they might already go; and that doesn't mean they need a Soul Crystal. After all, once upon a time the original creators of the job had to make their discipline from scratch, even if it was their lifetime's work....People also learn and grow as they are exposed to new ideas and thinking; on learning of a weakness of their chosen profession they might seek out ways to address it.Some ideas for Class+ might be:

  • The lancer that learned extra techniques outside of her Gridanian training.

  • The gladiator that studied samurai to understand how they fight with a single sword

  • The black mage that built upon her early days in thaumaturgy and now casts magic her own way, having observed some of the aether-saving tricks of Red Magic.

  • The pugilist that studied Dancers and wondered if there’s a way to add the same flair to their own methods.

Class+ allows that extra flexibility without being bound to a Soul Crystal or a specific organisation. These could also be ‘twists’ on the basic classes. Going back to Alphinaud, an Academician is essentially a Sharlayan Arcanist. Geomancy, an Eastern tradition, shares many similarities with Astrologian.If this interests you, I would recommend looking up the Job you’re wanting to emulate to see if there are potential consequences for doing so. Also, take a look here to see if you need a Soul Crystal to do this. Consider, also, the discussion on hybridizing Jobs. And finally, do read up on illegal magicks because it could well apply...


The Rogue Guild of Limsa Lominsa; the secret enforcers of the old code with probably the wonderfully colorful thieves cant. When the pirates of Limsa break the code, t'is these honorable thieves who step in where the law cannot.

This is "Tier 2" in rarity.
Some Work Required, but Very Accessible.

You can only pick up Rogue once you hit level 15, so it’s fair to say that the Rogue’s Guild is a little choosy about the skill of the folk they pick up. And also, loyalty - they’re a Rogue’s Guild, but they’re also bound to the old time-honoured code of the pirates that sees them serve the interests of Limsa Lominsa and thus Admiral Merlwyb.

In certain Circumstances,
this can be commonplace.

If you’re going for a character who learned their rogue skills through the School of Hard Knocks (i.e. self-taught on the streets, gang affiliations etc), then this is easily much easier to come by.
Thievery and other shenanigans isn’t the sole purview of the Rogue’s Guild of Limsa Lominsa after all.
Anyone desperate enough to take up such activities, or join other such shady organizations, could easily do so. It’d simply take some effort on the part of your character to find and be good enough to join such organisations.


“The war with Dravania rages on, brutal and unrelenting. With no end in sight, the Holy See grows desperate. As her dragoons lay down their lives in defense of their home, Ishgard turns to technology to protect her sons and daughters. Great cannons and ballistas now line the city walls, plucking dragons from the sky.Following the example of Cid Garlond, who has demonstrated the potency of magitek, the Skysteel Manufactory works tirelessly on the development of advanced armaments. As new and devastating weapons are brought to the fray, a new class of champion arises to wield them - the machinist.”

This is "Tier 2" in Rarity.
Some Work Required, but Very Accessible.

Probably the single most accessible Job due to the nature of why Machinist exists in the first place. Stephanivien de Haillenarte's entire goal was to empower the common folk using firearms, and adventurers that help out are a welcome bonus.One would need contact with the Ishgardian workshop in order to be recruited. Alternatively, there’s of course the Ironworks under Cid Garlond. Both probably need a character to have some experience under their belt before they can safely reach either organization, but I’d be willing to say that a character whose skill has come through study and hard work, rather than adventuring, would be just as (if not moreso) qualified. It’s also an interesting choice for someone wanting to RP a character of Garlean descent or Allagan connections. None of these routes are particularly restrictive.Another really interesting note about Machinist is that its method of generating power for its attacks is to passively absorb aether over time. That could make it the obvious choice for a character who does not have a great deal of personal aether to draw upon and seeks to overcome that limitation.Note that firearms aren’t always legal in the city states. For example, Limsa Lominsa is noted for requiring a firearms license in order to carry one within city limits. Speaking of Limsa, I could easily see a Machinist being re-flavored to a Limsan privateer or Maelstrom soldier.

In certain Circumstances,
this can be commonplace.

Machinist can be considered a Tier 1 for characters who are of Ishgardian descent or are soldiers of the Maelstrom.

Blue Mage

Ah, the infamous Blue Mages of Whalaqee, who learn their skills by copying the aether of monstrous beings. This discipline has made it's way to Eorzea...for better, or for worse.

This is "Tier 2" in Rarity.
Some Work Required, but Very Accessible.

It’s super easy to get a Blue Mage crystal, given how willing Martyn is to hand one over to anyone willing to pay him the gil or help with the spectaular of the Masked Carnivale! Whether your character is willing to stomach being repeatedly beat on by monsters and Primals to learn their magic, however, is another thing entirely.There's a discussion to be had about how 'canon' some of their skills are - some of them come from Primals and other such mighty beings that are only fought once as part of the storyline. The Eorzean Primals are a regular occurrence; the Four Lords and the Warring Triad, not so much. Consider how your character might know such skills if you intend to seriously roleplay this class.


“The word "bard" ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Few know, however, that bards in fact trace their origins back to the bowmen of eld, who sang in the heat of battle to fortify the spirits of their companions.In time, their impassioned songs came to hold sway over the hearts of men, inspiring their comrades to great feats and granting peace unto those who lay upon the precipice of death.”

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Needs Connections.

Promising archers who show an interest in history, remembrance and song will find their way to the path of the Bard.The game does suggest that it’s those from the Archer’s Guild of Gridania who are set on the path to becoming a Bard, as noted earlier archery itself is a widespread enough skill that anyone can do it. The key here is the willingness to understand what it means to be a Bard, the good and the sad. If your adventurer understands that on some level, then you’ll get your Soul Crystal from the moogles.Also, since the events of Shadowbringers, the Twin Adders are actively training promising recruits. I’d therefore say that if you’re aligned with the Twin Adders and have shown some skill with a bow and keeping up the spirits of your companions, the Grand Company might push you towards this job.

In Certain Circumstances, this could
be highly accessible or Commonplace.

Music is hardly going to be limited to the fighter bard alone. Any mighty warrior of any profession might desire to put victories to song or compose a great war ballad to intimidate a foe.And of course, any character who doesn't want the Job but simply wants to be able to perform with musical instruments in character should be perfectly fine to pick up Bard for the ability to do so.

Red Mage

“On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.”

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
High Skill but Actively Recruited.

Once a secret art it was rediscovered by X’Ruhn and Lambert, who formed a band of the Crimson Duellists. After they fell apart, the art was nearly lost again - until now.At the end of the Red Mage arc, at both level 70 and 80, X’Ruhn expresses a desire to see a new band of Red Mages formed, and promising adventurers trained. As such, anyone who can make their way to Mor Dhona and make contact with the existing Red Mages there would have a chance at joining the Crimson Duellists if they’re skilled enough with both blade and magic - and of a good heart.

In certain circumstances, this could be more accessible.

Red Magic finds its birthplace, and rediscovery, in Ala Mhigo. Folks from there may well have come into contact with the original Crimson Duelists of the Resistance before they fell apart. You would need to consider how they survived the events that saw them disband, how a previous Duelist saw their crystal entrusted to you, or how you might have stumbled upon them independently.Interestingly, Red Magic has made its way to the Garlemald Empire, of all places. In Bozja we see a number of Resistance NPC’s who originally learned it under the IVth Legion; an unusual way to come into contact with this rare art. If you were a naturalized citizen of the Empire, you might well have been trained in this discipline had you the inclination.


“On the northernmost edge of Abalathia's Spine exists a mountain tribe renowned for producing fearsome mercenaries. Wielding greataxes and known as warriors, these men and women learn to harness their inner-beasts and translate that power to unbridled savagery on the battlefield.
In former times which saw war waged ceaselessly in Eorzea, the warriors featured prominently on the front lines of battle. With the arrival of peacetime, however, their art has descended into the shadows of obscurity, where it remains to this day.”

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Needs Connections.

This blurb from the original blog is still accurate: “The Maelstrom have formed a provisional unit of elite troops who are being trained in the ways of the Abalathian warriors. One must attain a highly decorated position before being considered by the Maelstrom for training. Alternatively, one must have originated from one of the scattered Hellsguard tribes of Abalathia’s Spine.”The Inner Beast aspect of the Warrior is an interesting one. It’s presented as a kind of ‘uncontrollable bloodlust’ that overcomes the character and turns them berserk in the heat of battle, making them unable to tell friend from foe. It’s mastered by finding positive ways to channel that bloodlust, such as through protecting and defending the people you love. Certainly an interesting hook for characters.

In certain circumstances, this could be more accessible.

The Azim Steppes has a number of Xaela tribes who share this berserker-like tradition and even suffer from their own problems with the inner beast. Anyone coming from this subrace in that location was highly likely to be trained in these techniques.


“For centuries, the elite of the Sultansworn have served as personal bodyguards to the royal family of Ul'dah. Known as paladins, these men and women marry exquisite swordplay with stalwart shieldwork to create a style of combat uncompromising in its defense. Clad in brilliant silver armor, they charge fearlessly into battle, ever ready to lay down their lives for their liege.
To be a paladin is to protect, and those who choose to walk this path will become the iron foundation upon which the party's defense is built.”

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Needs Connections.

The very start of the Paladin job has the Sultansworn looking for promising adventurers to train as independent paladins and then goes straight out to do so. As such, those who have studied as gladiators or bodyguards could have a natural entry point here. The value of so-called free paladins is made eminently clear to the Sultansworn.Paladin soul crystals also do funky things with hierarchy, though hard to say if that always happens.


“In an age long past, when mankind flourished under the radiance of arcane mastery, the island of Vylbrand was home to a city-state called Nym. Though the history of that age tells of countless wars waged with earth-shattering incantations, it was the brilliant strategic maneuvering of Nym's scholars that allowed their mundane army of mariners to throw back would-be conquerors time and again. These learned men and women defended the freedom of their tiny nation with their unique command over spell-weaving faeries, utilizing the creatures' magicks to heal the wounded and bolster the strength of their allies.”

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Needs Connections.

By the culmination of the Scholar questline, the Royal Marines are putting out feelers for recruits so as to best support the Maelstrom. As such, I’d suggest that those who are in good standing with the Maelstrom and have a desire for tactical healing and strategy would be well positioned to be trained as a Scholar. It's certainly an excellent choice for someone wanting a very militaristic approach to healing.The soul crystal is required as that’s the only way to get the supporting fairy that’s housed within them.


"From the Near Eastern nation of Thavnair comes a troupe of bewitchingly graceful performers. Though certainly elegant and beautiful, their movements also speak of martial discipline─of a pulsing, persistent energy whose rhythm can inspire souls and soothe troubled hearts. Inured to the hardships of the road, these dancers have learned to land throwing weapons with the same exacting precision as their footfalls, removing any who would obstruct the endless beat of the dance."

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Actively Recruited.

Dancer is a Job where the end of the quest line sees its troupe looking for new adventurers to help them in their cause. Someone who’s swift of foot and with a talent for throwing weapons should have little trouble reaching out to them to see if they’re a suitable candidate.We also know that Dancer exists on the First. Getting to (or from, depending on your origin) the First is a task in itself, but as a Job it still seems quite common. Coming from (or going to) the First is a whole other can of worms I’m not opening up here, however.Fun note - in the real world, a number of sword disciplines would recommend you take up dancing to learn the importance of footwork (like fencing). Something to consider if your character would be interested in a style requiring intense footwork.

In Certain Circumstances, this could
be tier 2 or even 1

One can simply just be a dancer, after all.


“Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes.Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every onze of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.”

Therefore, In Most Circumstances, this is Tier 5; a very limited number.

Dragoon is a weird class to place on this list.When I initially wrote this guide, I did not have access to the Encyclopedia Eorzea. Lore from this book puts the Ishgardian Dragoon on a far rarer tier than it's original Tier 3.The Dragoon we see in gameplay focuses very strongly around the position of Azure Dragoon, and the ones that makes up a staple of the Ishgardian army. There’s also those who have been the Azure Dragoon, who were once chosen by the Eye and now go on to train the next generation. All of these types of Dragoons are exceedingly rare, much more so than Tier 3.How rare? According to the guide, there have never been more than thirty Dragoons at a time, and after Heavensward they are at a mere ten, and not recruiting.Atitled Dragoon of the Ishgardian Army is better placed around Tier 5 or even 6. If you're roleplaying a character who is a veteran Dragoon of the Ishgardian Army, then that's how you should treat it. You worked real hard, an honor bought with blood, sweat and many, many tears.On top of that, we also don’t get much insight into how much of the draconic element the normal Dragoon gets access to, particularly the Blood of the Dragon elements. As such, I’ve made an assumption here that your average Dragoon is not going to be at the same power level as the WoL Dragoon. With that said, there’s an interesting arc here to be had with someone who’s roleplaying a heretic Ishgardian (or other adventurer) who has supped (willingly or no) on dragon blood, or who otherwise has good connections with the dragons after the War. They might realistically manifest the fuller Dragoon portfolio. It may not be at the power level of the Azure Dragoon, but it’s going to be formidable nonetheless.To summarize - if you're going for the classic Ishgardian Dragoon, you will need to do your homework to make the concept land. If you're going for a heretic, that's going to be viewed harshly in certain circles. Tensions between the heretical dragonblood drinkers and Ishgard are beginning to ease as of the events in the Restoration, but not all Ishgardians will sit easy in a heretics presence.The Azure Dragoon themselves, of course, is one of a kind. Go here to read about the Azure Dragoon.

Some Concepts are "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Actively Recruited or Available.

There's plenty of concepts for a Dragoon-in-Training though, and that's much more accessible than full on Dragoon. For example, perhaps, a character that was in training to be one but didn't quite make the cut - or the War ended, so they weren't needed.There are other ideas that fit well under the Dragoon job too. A decorated Gridanian Lancer that's gone well beyond the basic techniques, the lone Viera warrioress, a Chocobo cavalier - this is the kind of concept that falls under Tier 3. They're very skilled, moreso than the basic class, reasonably common, and masters are likely out there looking.


"The Hrothgar of northern Ilsabard have passed the art of the gunblade from one generation to the next. The weapon itself combines a sword with a firing mechanism, emitting a range of magical effects by utilizing aetherially imbued cartridges. Originally employed by Queen Gunnhildr's personal guard, they were once known as "Gunnhildr's Blades" and differ greatly from the similarly named weapons used in the Garlean Empire."

This is "Tier 3" in Rarity.
Actively Recruited.

At the end of the Gunbreaker Arc, Radovan explicitly sets about training new Gunbreakers in Mor Dhona. I’d suggest that anyone who’s able to make their way to Mor Dhona and show reasonable skill would have a chance at being trained.A note here for Imperial characters, where gunblades are pretty much the signature weapon - along with Machinist, this is an excellent class to RP a Garlean soldier with. The consequences of being Garlean - either as a naturalized aan/ban titled citizen or an actual pureblood - are not a topic of conversation for this document.Comparing and contrasting the two though, Garlean gunblades are designed differently to the Bojzan gunblade. Bojzan gunblades use aetherically charged cartridges to achieve their effects; Garlean gunblades fire solid projectiles similar to real firearms. Gunbreakers consider Imperial gunblades to be poor imitations of ‘the real thing’.

In Certain Circumstances, this is highly accessible.

The Hrothgar invented the art, after all. Anyone of that race likely knew of the tradition and had a good chance at being trained if they were interested in their youth.


“Far across the rolling waves, towards the rising sun, there lies the island nation of Hingashi.In the distant past, the realm's great lords vied for supremacy over its sea girt confines in a long and bloody conflict. And taking to battle in their lieges' names were noble swordsmen whose art was forged in the crucible of war: the samurai.Eventually, the nation was unified under one banner, and these warriors came to wield their katana not upon fields as part of an army, but upon streets as protectors of the peace.”

This is "Tier 4" in Rarity.
Rare, but not Restricted.

Samurai are currently trained exclusively by Far Eastern characters. The odd one or two has made their way to Eorzea, and now in Ul’Dah the legend of a particular samurai is being told, firing the imaginations of commoner and adventurer alike. That may inspire your character to head to Kugane to take up the blade - if they can find someone willing to teach them. Not an easy task when those of the Far East are hard to persuade into sharing their secrets.If you are going to roleplay a Samurai, particularly one that places significance on philosophy and Bushido, I highly recommend that you take a look into what the names of the Samurai skills mean, as well as the seasonal imagery and philosophy of the 'Snow, Moon and Flowers' that the 3 signature skills (Yukikaze, Gekko and Kasha) relate to. It will give you some really rich ideas for lore and mentality.

In Certain Circumstances, this is high skill needed, but actively recruiting.

Characters from the Far East have better access to samurai training than those from Eorzea. Becoming a Sekiseigumi of Kugane, for example, is eminently possible for those who have the skill.


“The beast tribes of Eorzea worship and summon forth beings known as primals, among which are Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan. Yet what is a god to one man is a demon to another, for the city-states of Eorzea see these beings as a grave threat to their collective survival.In times immemorial, there lived mages who had not only the power to summon the primals, but also the means to transmute the primals' essences, thus binding them to their will. Known simply as summoners, the existence of these men and women and their arcane art have been all but lost to the ages.”

This is "Tier 4" in Rarity.
Rare, but not Restricted.

incredibly dangerous for those without the echo

I recommend reading the section on Illegal Magicks if you're thinking of RP'ing a Summoner. Summoners are rare, are associated with Primals, and are very flashy, so a concerned citizen might easily worry.Following the 60-70 and 80 Summoner quests, the Immortal Flames have started actively recruiting Summoners as a special branch of the military and have gained access to better training thanks to events with Y’mhitra. These days, someone looking to become a Summoner who has good connections to the Immortal Flames will find it much easier now. The threat of the Primals, after all, is never over.However, due to the necessity to have been exposed to the aether of a Primal - specifically, the burst from a vanquished Primal that imprints it’s essence upon the summoner-to-be’s aether - the danger of learning to be a Summoner is quite extreme. Coupled with the scarcity of Summoner soul crystals (being from the Allagan Empire), that makes this tougher than most other recruiting jobs to join. It may be more accessible than white/black magic, but its wielders need to be made of sterner stuff and that will make it much rarer to encounter.Fun note on this one - it’s not necessary to have the Echo to be one as a fairly powerful NPC Summoner explicitly states that they don’t have it. That makes SMN an incredibly dangerous job if you’re seeking primal aether, but it can be done.Another fun note is you can only summon the primal if your aether has been ‘imprinted’ by the dying primal. This is why the majority of Flames summoners can only summon Ifrit: the Amalj'aa just keep summoning him over and over and over, and the Flames keep killing him and dispersing his aether, so there are more opportunities with Ifrit than any other Primal.It’s also worth noting that Summoning has something of an Ascian connotation to it. It is, after all, linked inextricably to Primal summoning. A self-taught Summoner then might attract attention from those who are concerned that an Ascian is involved...And given the Ascians’ constant interests in summoning, maybe they are.

(MSQ Spoilers)

The Future
of Summoner

Spoilers, Obviously

Post Endwalker, the Summoner Job faces a very real problem:There may be no more Primals for students to learn the art from.Many of the Tribes have all been appeased, and will no longer summon their gods to avenge themselves against the City States. And average Primals don't leave the kind of aetheric residue that one at the strength of Bahamut does. Bahamut was a one-of-a-kind disaster - a Calamity - and eventually the residue that the WoL Summoner was able to draw upon will fade away. Heck, we still don't know how the Summoner managed to draw upon Phoenix, save the connection to Bahamut. We didn't get those class quests at 80 to explain.For people wanting to roleplay Summoners, be they new students or mentors, a very interesting hook now presents itself. How are you going to learn or grow the art
if the Primal threat is no more?

Dark Knight

“The pious Ishgardian clergy guide the flock, and the devout knights protect the weak. Yet even the holiest of men succumb to the darkest of temptations. None dare to administer justice to these sacrosanct elite residing outside the reach of the law. Who, then, defends the feeble from the transgressions of those meant to guide and protect them?A valiant few take up arms to defend the downtrodden, and not even the hold priests and knights can escape their judgment. Pariahs in their own land, they are known by many as “dark knights.”These sentinels bear no shields declaring their allegiance. Instead, their greatswords act as beacons to guide the meek through darkness."

This is "Tier 4" in Rarity.
Rare, but not Restricted.

Dark Knight is an interesting one. If the game storyline is anything to go by, the Soul Crystals of Dark Knights have a certain...willful nature to them and it could be argued that the Soul Crystal seeks out the wearer rather than the other way around.As the original blog mentions, Dark Knights specifically arose from vigilantism in the face of the Ishgard Church’s corruption, and that makes them outlaws in the state of Ishgard - at least, certainly during the Dragonsong War. Similar to the Soul Crystal then, it’s likely that you’ll need to attract the attention of existing Dark Knights for them to take you under their wing.Outside of the traditional job, players often use Dark Knight to explore having a secondary, darker self or otherwise uncontrolled, angry aspect. That’s a topic for Class +.


“Though now under Garlean rule, the city-state of Ala Mhigo once boasted the greatest military might of all Eorzea. Among its standing armies were the monks—ascetic warriors as dreaded by foes on the field of battle as the city-state's great pikemen.The monks comprised an order known as the Fist of Rhalgr, and it was to this god—the Destroyer—that they devoted their lives of worship. By mastering seats of power within the body known as chakra, they are capable of performing extraordinary physical feats.”

This is "Tier 4" in Rarity.
Rare, but not Restricted.

There are currently two known paths to the ways of a monk that we’ve seen in game - the original Fists of Rralgr, and the revival of the tradition currently happening at Rralgr’s Reach.The original Fists of Rhalgr were destroyed in 1552. King Theodoric did his best to wipe the monks out, so survivors are few and far between. To play someone from this period, you’d need to be a certain age - someone who was 18 at this time period would be 45 now (assuming 2 years between ARR and current, and the passage of time is another can of worms...).With the liberation of Ala Mhigo however, the Fists are seeing a renaissance and there is now a highly skilled monk training the Resistance fighters. Someone who has been interested in this, has ties to the Resistance, or is an Ala Mhigan looking to reclaim their heritage would have an inroad there.We also do see in the storyline that those who are sensitive to background aether can unlock their powers by fighting upon proven battlegrounds. That could well happen accidentally at any major skirmish, setting an unwitting character down the path to enlightenment.

In Certain Circumstances, this is Class+ for those who invent their own.

The real world is full of people inventing their own martial arts.. Monk lends itself well to Class+ -the idea that people can grow and develop their own disciplines - in that way.Although we’ve only seen two paths in the Job quests, it’s extremely likely that there are other, equally powerful disciplines of martial arts that also pass on their methods through soul crystals - such as that of a particular villain seen in Shadowbringers, for example. Someone wanting to RP a monk-like tradition has a lot of flexibility to invent their own established order.


“Ever has man coveted knowledge, and none more so than that of his fate. Thus did he labor to master the skill of foresight - but initial efforts bore little fruit. That is, until he looked to the stars above, which foretell the coming seasons, and learned to read the heavens.Though this gift is known today as astrology, the people of Sharlayan saw fit not only to read the stars, but to write their movements as well. By attuning their aetherial energies to that of constellations, they learned to wield magicks with heretofore unseen properties.Thus was astromancy born - a new form of magick which grants its users power over fate. Employing a star globe and divining deck in their miraculous deeds, fortune always smiles on these masters of arcana.”

This is "Tier 5" in Rarity.
Restrictive and/or Secretive

The traditional Ishgardian Astrologian job is kept tightly under lock and key by both the Ishgardians and the Sharlayans. There are efforts underway to share this knowledge but even as of the 80 Astrologian quest, such efforts are still very much restricted.There is - sort of - a counterpart in Hingashi called the Geomancer. Instead of drawing from the constellations, the Geomancer draws instead from the air, earth, and water. This is called Geomancy, and we also learn that it’s a tradition that lost itself in the pursuit of earning money. It is, however, no less powerful than traditional Ishgardian/Sharlayan Astrology and is done in much the same way that we can tell. Following the storyline events, it’s potentially seeing something of a revival, as well as knowledge sharing between Ishgard. I’d be careful of this one though because we don’t know a lot and it is separate enough to be potentially it’s own thing; even potentially a future job.

In Certain Circumstances, this might be more accessible.

Sharlayan and Ishgardian characters would have better access
to this job for obvious reasons.
For a character who’s from Hingashi, becoming a Geomancer is likely to be less restrictive than it is for a typical Astrologian.As a general soothsaying/predictive job that reads the stars, it's not hard to see a more primitive, limited take on this developing in spiritual communities who place a high value on the bodies of the night sky. Looking at you, Keepers of the Moon.


“Hailing from the war-torn lands of the Far East, the secret arts of the ninja were born of necessity, and have since given rise to a unique breed of highly-trained combatants.Able to manipulate the vital energies of the land, the air, and living beings, they manifest their power through the weaving of signs, unleashing a wide array of attacks against their foes. Master the arts of the ninja and learn to bend the tide of battle to your will.”

This is "Tier 5" in Rarity.
Restrictive and/or Secretive

Ninja is one of the few jobs that doesn’t complete its arc by setting out to train new recruits. Indeed, the shinobi of Doma are quite reclusive and I’d suggest that’s the same even for those born in Doma. There are inroads to be made through the Rogue’s Guild of Limsa Lominsa for a character that’s skilled enough.The storyline for Ninja is somewhat more lighthearted than being an actual shinobi would suggest. Stormblood constantly hints at the severe training and life-or-death situations that they willingly put themselves through in order to fight against the Garlean Empire. A skilled shinobi who survived up to the liberation of Doma has been living a second life for a very long time with many a close shave.


“The Garleans' forebears were once humble farmers who made their home among the sun-drenched fields of southern Ilsabard. That was, until they were driven from this paradise by invaders wielding arcane magicks. Forced north into the frigid mountains, the survivors sought a means to tap into the reservoir of aether otherwise closed to them. A daring few found their answer within the void, binding themselves to its creatures to gain forbidden power─power fed by the souls of the slain. Once more they took up their scythes, this time to reap a crimson harvest.”

This is "Tier 6" in Rarity.

Botanist jokes aside, the history of the Reapers links the job to Garlemald and those of Garlean descent. The interesting note here is that these Garleans - famous for being unable to wield aether - turned to summoning and binding the infamous Voidsent to overcome that issue.I’m placing this as a highly restricted class due to the Voidsent pact. No one in their right mind willingly pacts with a voidsent; those we’ve seen do this in the past have never done it for altruistic means and it never has a good outcome. Therefore, anyone seen to be openly doing this should come under a great deal of suspicion. Hiding their pact, a la Black/White Mage, feels like the right interpretation at this time. No matter how nice a person you are, your average commoner isn't going to be able to distinguish between a highly trained Reaper and a power-mad possessed at a glance, and authorities might well choose the path of 'kill first and let the Twelve judge later'.However, unlike the other restricted classes, it's a lot more accessible to Eorzeans, thanks to the presence of the Lemures in Ul'dah. As their own mercenary gang operating in the city, they might well be keeping an eye out for suitable candidates to induct into the fold. No doubt they'd warn any such future Reapers of the dangers of their decision.

This is a tentative "Tier 6" then. Outlawed because of the voidsent Pact, but potentially more common than
others in that tier.

As noted, this might be one of the most common 'restricted' classes, as it's restricted by both the whim of the leader of the Lemures, or to those of the appropriate Garlean descent. It is obviously a new route for those people wanting to roleplay Garleans, and I suggest you play through the job quests to understand what the role of the Reapers in Garlean society was.I also foresee that Reaper is going to get a lot of “Class +” interpretation; it's the first time we've seen a Job actively call on Voidsent. It's a good option for people who want to play that kind of villain but don't necessarily want the Garlean history attached.Non-voidsent pact interpretations will need to be handled on a case by case basis, and it will really come down to the ‘flavour’ of the bound spirit. Or, some people might want to forgo the binding part entirely for the fighting style. Class+ will be your best inspiration there.It's worth noting that a lot of Reaper Lore is revealed in the 6.1+ patches of
Endwalker. I won't spoil that here, but make sure you go digging around and
reading dungeon notes; especially if you're interested in the Garlean

A quick note on the pact

So for the traditional 'as-is' soul crystal Reaper class, it's important to note that the pact is not 'you're possessed by a voidsent'. You make a pact with a voidsent, which lends you power in the form of the 'avatar' in return for donations of aether.Doesn't make it safe. You'll learn that following the job storyline.

Post 6.5 Thoughts

This section will not spoil any of the events of 6.1-6.5; but may spoil the general nature of the Thirteenth.It is my opinion that public opinion will not change about Reapers and the voidsent pact. It is still a risky bargain made between your character and a voidsent, and even the WoL is not immune to those suspicions. You'll see that called out as you play through the plot.The average layman is not going to know the events that occurred yet; nor the truth of the Thirteenth Shard, and the average voidsent remains a dangerous aether-starved thing desperate to break down the barrier between worlds. Therefore, I'd assume the average person is no more sympathetic to the hellish existence of the Thirteenth than they were before.


“The nation of Sharlayan is the cradle of knowledge, and the Studium its foremost institution of learning. Yet more so than its incomparable library and formidable assemblage of Archons, this prestigious academy is famed for blending traditionally distinct fields to produce revolutionary new disciplines. Among these, perhaps the most distinguished is an altruistic art which draws upon the wisdom of aetherology, sorcery, and medicine. Dubbed somanoutics, the art seeks to heal and protect by manipulating corporeal aether through the use of nouliths, a flying array of foci. Practitioners are dedicated to the betterment of mankind, and for their wisdom and compassion, eventually came to be known simply as sages.”

This is "Tier 5" in Rarity.
Restrictive and/or Secretive

As somanoutics is specifically a Sharlayan art, this is a rare one to find and learn outside of that reclusive nation.Characters wanting to play a Sage will need some connection to Sharlayan, such as a former student/Archon, being born of Sharlayan descent, or having a good reason to travel to the nation and then learn the art off a willing teacher. If not necessarily, it'll certainly make the job far more accessible to have studied in Sharlayan.As we see at the very start of the quests for Sage though, there are those who travel the world on Sharlayan business and they may have reason to have a soulstone with them to locate a potential candidate. A possible way for an outsider to be accepted into the art.

In Certain Circumstances, this might be more accessible.

If you are from Sharlayan or studied there, then you'd have had access to study somanoutics as readily as any other discipline. As such, it would then come down to personal aptitude, rather than the ability to get past the restrictive entry laws of Sharlayan.It is also worth noting that a certain Custom Delivery discusses actively making Sharlayan education more accessible and thus opening the door to concepts for new students seeking Sharlayan knowledge.

Black Mage

“In days long past, there existed an occult and arcane art known as black magic—a potent magic of pure destructive force born forth by a sorceress of unparalleled power. Those who learned to wield this instrument of ruin came to be called black mages, out of both fear and respect for their gift. Yet great power served to corrupt the judgment of mortal man, and so he unknowingly set out upon the path of ruin.Adventurers who take the black will become agents of devastation, capable of annihilating those who oppose them through little more than the force of their will.”

This is "Tier 6" in Rarity.
Outlawed, Illegal For Nearly All

I recommend reading the section on Illegal Magicks if you're thinking of RP'ing a Black Mage.Black Mage is probably the single most well-known restricted job. Firstly, it’s incredibly dangerous, drawing either from the ambient aether of the land or burning the wielder from the inside out if they don’t have a Soul Crystal. On top of that, being a Black Mage is illegal, due to how badly the War of the Magi ravaged the land.Canonically, it can be interpreted that there is exactly one legal Soul Crystal, which is currently in the hands of the Warrior of Light. However, there were far more of them around in the time of the War of the Magi. This ended in the Sixth Umbral Calamity, whereupon which the arts of Black and White magic were lost, willingly kept hidden. An adventurer who is willing to brave the old, voidsent infested cities of the Mhachi empire could well stumble upon a Soul Crystal. Such valuable sources of power also find their way to the black market.However, following the 80 Job quest, it is also reasonable to suggest that there are some officially sanctioned black mages working with the Thaumaturge guild to safely study this discipline of magic.So with all that said, someone looking to become a Black Mage through self-study, sheer hard work and effort could probably do it, provided they can fix the ‘don’t burn yourself from the inside-out’ problem or are able to find a Black Mage Soul Crystal. Once they start sucking aether from the land however, someone is going to notice. An adventurer seeking this path may need to fend off those who would both seek their power for nefarious purposes, or those who constantly test them to see if they’re about to fall to the dark side. The BLM storyline goes in depth into exactly this, and I recommend playing it through to get a sense.

White Mage

“White magic, the arcane art of succor, was conceived eras past that the world might know comfort. Alas, man began perverting its powers for self-gain, and by his wickedness brought about the Sixth Umbral catastrophe. Although the art subsequently became forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals.Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself.”

This is "Tier 6" in Rarity.
Outlawed, Illegal For Nearly All

I recommend reading the section on Illegal Magicks if you're thinking of RP'ing a White Mage.Just like Black Magic, White Magic became illegal due to its toll on the land from the War of the Magi. Legal White Soul Crystals are exclusively in the hands of the Padjal, so someone looking to become a White Mage would need to be in very, very good standing with them. They’d need to be trusted not to abuse that power and to keep the ways of the Twelveswood. An errant White Mage would no doubt be stripped of their crystal and rank and punished.Alternatively, anyone brave enough to scour the ruins of Amdapor or delve into the black market may stumble across one of these stones.A conjurer who is determined to improve themselves through hard work and effort is likely to unlock some secrets of White Magic without needing a Soul Crystal. Again, once that starts bleeding the land dry - or slowly killing themselves - someone is likely going to come knocking. If you’re in Gridania, that’s playing with a lot of fire.On the flip side, if you're outside Gridania, they aren't tremendously likely to be able to stop you. An accomplished enough conjurer should be able to feel when they're drawing too much from the land - assuming they haven’t gone mad with power...Finally, Lenneth Andrew had a very interesting note on Amdapori magicks that may be of inspiration to you:"Amdapori white magic was a different school than the much-later Gridanian white magic, and had a great deal to do with animating inanimate things such as statues to act as powerful guardians. A white mage carrying an ancient Amdapori crystal may well not even 'look' like a white mage to most and would quite possibly seem more like a golemancer/puppetmaster sort of mage, which would be a very interesting notion for an RPer to run with."

The Azure Dragoon

"Are you Estinien?"

This is "Tier 6" in Rarity.
One of a kind.

Canon is clear that we only have two - Estinien, and the Warrior of Light.It's also interesting/amusing in that it’s one of the few jobs where the ‘face’ of the job is clearly more powerful than what the Warrior of Light can do!I strongly suggest keeping away from being the full blown Azure Dragoon.With that said, as noted in the normal Dragoon entry there’s some discussion here that someone who has supped elder draconic blood or otherwise entered a pact with a dragon could reach the same power level.Tread lightly here though as that is going to get into real ‘uh huh sure’ territory with other roleplayers if not done very well.

Post Endwalker

The end of an Era.
The world has changed.
6.0 and Beyond Spoilers Below. Beware!

Post Endwalker, we're already starting to see changes to the world that may make certain disciplines far more accessible.One of those is the opening of Old Sharlayan to those who wish to study there, a development you'll see following the Custom Deliveries with Ameliance. This may certainly make Jobs such as Sage and Astrologian more accessible than they might have been.With peace now between the Eorzeans and the Beast Tribes, the opportunities for new Summoners to learn their Egis is going to fade away. After all, they need to be exposed to a Primal's aether to learn them, and how will they do that without any more Primals being summoned? This already rare discipline could become even rarer.The storyline of 6.1-6.5 and beyond have given us lore on the Void; the mysterious Thirteenth and the life that has survived there post their Flood of Darkness. No doubt this has repercussions on those who play characters with links to the Void; especially Reapers. I've added my thoughts on that to that class.As we see things develop here as we journey towards 7.0, I'll continue to add more thoughts.